What If?

February 17, 2023

“Life is a web of intersections and choices. Your 1st choice is to recognize an intersection. Your 2nd choice is to be grateful for it.” – Ryan Lilly


What if…

Instead of resisting or holding on so tight, you allowed yourself and others to change?


Instead of comparing and being so critical of yourself and others you anchored in gratitude and positivity?


Instead of feeling bored and uninspired, you did something new or different establishing a deeper level of trust and confidence in yourself and others?


Instead of feeling stuck or hopeless, you became more curious and started connecting with inspiring new people, insights, and opportunities?


Instead of being unhappy or overwhelmed, you sought out ways to feel more excited and energized on purpose?


Life today is busy and complex with countless decisions to make and responsibilities to attend to. It can take its toll on the best of us. There comes a time when we all have a choice to make. We can choose to allow ourselves to be a victim who responds to life as it happens TO us. Or we can choose to position ourselves to adjust and respond in the best way possible.


You can make a powerful new decision to do something different.


I was an empty shell of a man. A beaten and battered father utterly exhausted from a six-year long battle for my son’s life. I needed more capacity and had to find a way to grow stronger for the road ahead. Then, I began making a series of new decisions. These choices became practices, and these practices began to reveal new insights and opportunities. It wasn’t long before I was steeped into learning and growing. My curiosity and these practices have led me to experiences I never previously imagined or thought possible.


Soon I realized I wanted to commit my life to helping others who may feel stuck, want more, or who may be wrestling with anxiety and overwhelm. This became my burn-the-boats powerful new decision and I’ve never been happier.


What choices are you wrestling with?

What choices are you making or NOT making?

What choices do you know you WANT to make but haven’t yet?

What if on the other side of those choices is something better than you imagined?


This is what Always Adventure is all about. Born out of my own experience, neuroscience research, and training, the Living Adventurously Mindset and Methodology are insightfully designed to deliver outcomes about which others are only dreaming.


Five Major Problems.

Five Powerful Practices.

Five Upleveling Outcomes.


The real answers you are looking for are closer and easier than you think. Life may not always turn out how we thought it would, but WHAT IF it turned out even better than we ever imagined?


Here’s to Living Adventurously!




Event Update!!!

You are invited to celebrate the successful launch of the book Always Adventure and more importantly the amazing work of Fathers and Families Support Center!


When: Thursday March 2nd

Where: Hearth and Soul on Clayton Rd in Ladue

When: From 5pm to 7pm


Join us to celebrate and connect with a lot of great people doing great things. Bring a friend or spouse!


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We have so much to do and so many people to reach!

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