“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” – Napoleon Hill
“Napoleon Hill was a well-known self-help author in the early 20th century, whose books conveyed a sense of urgency to take action. He understood that change can be scary, and because of this, many people hesitate before pursuing the things they truly want. It’s easy to tell ourselves the timing and circumstances aren’t perfect, and use that as an excuse to put things off until later. But Hill reminds us that the timing will never be “just right,” and now is as good a time as any to get to work on chasing your dreams.” – Inspiring Quotes
“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus
Change can be scary and often uncomfortable.
But…When we intentionally condition ourselves to change, we take our power back.
Do nothing and we leave ourselves in a position to simply react to change as it happens.
We know change is inevitable, so which is better?
Embrace change or do nothing?
I suggest we flip the script.
Leverage change to position ourselves to thrive vs just survive as life happens.
Leverage change for the inevitable benefits; openness, learning, flexibility, confidence, strength of will, fulfillment, mental/emotional conditioning, connection with self and others, increased capacity, and overall growth.
Do things different. Do different things.
Either way….There is opportunity in it and good reason to be excited.
Here’s to getting uncomfortable, exploring the unknown, and seeking excitement.
Here’s to Living Adventurously!